
Advancing TR Treatment
with Cross-caval Innovation

Expanding Care
to the 'Still Forgotten' Population

Trillium™ introduces a heterotopic solution that
simplifies the procedure by targeting the caval system
rather than the valve itself. This innovation sidesteps
the complexities of tricuspid valve anatomy and
physiology paving the way for a simple, safe, and
effective treatment option available to all TR patients
— including those previously considered untreatable.

Technical Excellence for Comprehensive Care

Trillium™ is meticulously crafted for the unique demands of the tricuspid valve environment.
This stent graft, featuring a valved wall, is designed to span the right atrium with secure fixation
in the Superior Vena Cava (SVC) and Inferior Vena Cava (IVC), leaving the native valve untouched.

Migration Resistant

A single device anchored to two
apposing anatomies (SVC & IVC),
provides reliable anchoring and full
migration resistance.

Multiple, Normally Open Valves

Provide extremely low filling
(diastolic) pressures, with an
increased closing volume for the
benefit of patients with RV failure.

Large Flange Sealing Skirt

Creates a secure seal that fits a wide
range of anatomies, while allowing
the necessary hepatic vein inflow.

Mechanically Durable

Designed for long-term fatigue
resistance. Durable for decades of
cardiac function.

Radio-Opaque Markers

Ensure precise positioning under a
strictly fluoroscopic procedure.

Atraumatic Stent Ends

Provides reliable anchoring,
reducing the risk of complications
during and after the procedure.

Low Profile Delivery System

24 Fr delivery system for
venous transfemoral approach.
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon Europe under grant agreement
No. 190109977

Trillium™ Publications

Trillium™ FIH study publication will be released by the end of the year, along with a consensus paper
summarizing the heterotopic treatment options.
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